Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Myths and Misconceptions - Arms Wide Pose explanation

Nowadays I don’t believe anything I see or read in the media – and not just reports pertaining to Michael Jackson either, but on each and every subject they cover. For example, my reaction to the female reporter who was “brutally” sexually assaulted recently in Egypt was not the instantaneous condemnation I felt the media was demanding. After being exposed, no - awakened to their tactics I can’t help but question the story. Without knowing the specific nature of the assault, I am supposed to accept their characterization of it? I’m sorry but I just can’t do it any more. The media has demonstrated that they like to do more than just champion a victim – they don’t just tell a story, sometimes they create the story.

This is not news to ‘those that know’ - Michael’s fans he refers to in his song ‘Privacy’. But I’m afraid it is a new revelation to me. I used to trust the mainstream media. When I heard Michael say “Don’t read the tabloids – its garbage!” I agreed with him. Since Princess Diana’s death in 1997 I have avoided all tabloid news so I thought I was already complying with Michael’s request. 

What I hadn’t realized is how the mainstream media has deteriorated so much that the line between them and the tabloid media is blurred at best and at worst, it is non-existent.

As a result, there are many myths and misconceptions about Michael Jackson that have been perpetuated by the mainstream media.  One by one since he died these myths and misconceptions have been disproved as I have collected photos, listened to and watched interviews Michael did and read accounts from people who met him.

All these showed Michael being affectionate with loads of different people, of all ages, of both sexes and all races. So off the media’s list of characteristics they had ascribed to Michael you could cross off germ-o-phobe; he clearly was unafraid of close physical contact with people, many who were complete strangers to him.

All displays of affection were entirely appropriate and were not limited to only boys of a certain age, with a certain look, as the media would have us believe.

One other misconception that was totally shattered for me was the implication that Michael had a Messiah complex. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone suggest that or read that Michael suffered from this. 

They cited the pose Michael did in many of his performances that inspired the Chinese statue as proof that Michael desired to be perceived as a crucified Christ-like figure.

From my point of view, I knew Michael was religious, that he aspired to be Christ-like so if he was emulating Jesus, then so what? Isn’t that a good thing – wanting to be like Jesus? Plus, in my opinion, Michael was justified in feeling persecuted. I believe this even more strongly now with all that I’ve learnt since he passed. But the pose isn’t about crucifixion…it’s about love.

In Seven’s posting about the unveiling of the Chinese statue on New Year’s Day, one of her readers named Blue Lotus made the following observation about the pose:

This "arms outstretched" pose has a deep spiritual meaning: In India, they had a great Saint by the name of Sri Aurbindo. He wrote the following prayer: "O Lord, my arms are outstretched in supplication towards Thee, my heart is wide open before Thee, that Thou mayst make of it a reservoir of Thy infinite love.".  BlueLotus believes this is exactly what Michael Jackson had in mind every time he outstretched his arms...what a pure being!

I love this explanation! And when you look at the faces in this photo; both Michael’s and the children’s you will see the truth of what Blue Lotus wrote. It’s all about opening yourself to love…and joy. I love how these children show they truly get it, even the little cutie in front of Michael! 

From his hotel balcony, high above and out of earshot of his adoring fans gathered below, the arms wide pose allows for some non verbal communication – letting them know how much their support means to him. In sign language terms maybe it could be the equivalent of one of Michael’s catch phrases: ‘I love you more!’

On horseback, in a beautiful wooded area, Michael uses the arms open wide pose to convey his appreciation for his surroundings. It’s so bittersweet to see him relishing the sensation of sunshine on his face, knowing that his vitiligo would have forced to him to wear the hat (which he has briefly removed in the above gif) to protect his skin. The below photo looks like it was taken in the Thriller era, where the vitiligo was still in the initial stages so no hat was used.

In this stunning snowy alp setting an even younger Michael enjoys a winter wonderland.

When Michael was performing, the pose was adapted to suit the mood of the song. In ‘They don’t care about us’ for example the open palms become clenched fists – to denote Michael’s strength in adversity and perhaps his desire to fight back figuratively against those that would try and destroy him? 

In looking at the below photo, you can almost hear the powerful shout Michael does to accompany his guitarist Jennifer Batten’s solo.  And that’s the whole point that those who, because of this pose labeled him as having a Messiah complex missed. As a dancer and musician whose instrument was his body, Michael used every ounce of energy, every muscle and every fiber of his being in his performances to convey the emotion behind the song, the lyric or the music.  

And lastly, one for the fangirls…Hee Hee!

There were so many more wonderful photos of Michael in this pose so I've created an album on Facebook, which I'll add to as I come across more photos.

If you would like to take a look, here is the link:


1 comment:

  1. He's just soaking up the love, that's all. The media loves to make something out of nothing.
